Let’s Begin
(D. Dubbeldam/J. van der Plas – Django Music & Publishing)
Listen and watch right away:
Is everyone in?
So, let’s begin!
Come on and get in line
Move over, don’t be shy
Do you want to join in too?
Do you have to go to the loo?
Hear what I say
Come on and make my day
Put your hands up high
And then by your side
Is everyone in?
So let’s begin!
Line up in the queue
Here’s what we’re gonna do
Are you ready for some fun
Is there something wrong?
Come here for a while
And show us your sweet smile
Put your hands up high
And then on your thighs
Is everyone in?
So let’s begin!
Hands above your head
And then by your side
Hands up in the air
And then on your thighs
Hands above your head
And then by your side
Hands up in the air
And then on your thighs
Is everyone in?
So let’s begin!
Come on and get in line
Move over, don’t be shy
Do you want to join in too
Oh, you have to go to the loo!
Hear what I say
Come on and make my day
Put your hands up high
And then by your side
Is everyone in?
So let’s begin!
Is everyone in?
So let’s begin!