Play Together
(D. Dubbeldam/J. van der Plas – Django Music & Publishing)
Listen and watch right away:
Would you like the doll or the ball?
I’ll grab the puzzle, have you done it all?
Would you like the book or a toy?
There are plenty to enjoy
Play together, share together
That is more fun
Play together, share together
‘Cause two’s more fun than on
Would you like the boat or the bike
I can beat the drum alright
Would you like the car or the train
Let’s play another game
Play together, share together
That is more fun
Play together, share together
‘Cause two’s more fun than on
Would you like the glue or the clay
I’ll build a house, if that’s ok
Would you like the paint, blue or red
Or do you want the scissors instead?
Play together, share together
That is more fun
Play together, share together
‘Cause two’s more fun than on
I want to have it!
No I want to have it!
I want to have it!
No I want to have it!
I want to have it!
No I want to have it!
I want to have it!
No I want to have it!
Play together, share together
That is more fun
Play together, share together
‘Cause two’s more fun than on
Play together, share together
That is more fun
Play together, share together
‘Cause two’s more fun than on