(D. Dubbeldam/J. van der Plas – Django Music & Publishing)
Listen and watch right away:
It is nice and cold today
I know what do
We can go outside
Won’t you come here too?
Grab your scarf and mittens
Also wear your coat
Now, put your hat on
And we’re ready to go
Come along, come along
Let’s play in the snow
Come along, come along
Let’s play in the snow
Come along, come along
Let’s go have some fun playing in the snow
Snowball throwing
We like to make them splat!
We make a snowman
With eyes and a hat
Then we can go skating
Oh, its so much fun
But make sure you’re careful
Or you’ll fall down on your bum
Come along, come along
Let’s play in the snow
Come along, come along
Let’s play in the snow
Come along, come along
Let’s go have some fun playing in the snow
Do you think the snow is fine?
Could it always be wintertime?
We glide over hills
Together in a sleigh
We go so fast
We like it that way
From the top to below
Our sleigh glides well in snow
Is it time to stop?
One more time from the top
Come along, come along
Let’s play in the snow
Come along, come along
Let’s play in the snow
Come along, come along
Let’s go have some fun playing in the snow
Come along, come along
Let’s play in the snow
Come along, come along
Let’s play in the snow
Come along, come along
Let’s go have some fun playing in the snow